Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A cautionary tale

Woke up this morning with a painful throat (just finished the second stronger course of antibiotics yesterday. argh what's wrong!) I think primarily because I ate too much unhealthy food yesterday... I thought I had recovered I guess (becoming ill disciplined). Anyway to get to the main point of this post. Since I woke up 45 minutes later than planned I had to take a taxi (thankfully it wasn't any later)

My driver was a relatively colourful character, with a big frame and equally booming voice. In his baritone voice, we discussed yesterday's Man U match and soccer betting tips. Somehow that led to the issue of gambling and his own personal trials and tribulations. I seriously think I have this potential to talk to taxi drivers (maybe thats why I have seen so many opportunities in the insurance industry.) Not to digress.

Over the long journey from the east side to the west side of Singapore, he told me his tale of gambling addiction. How he started mahjong for example, beginning with 10and 20 cents and eventually progressing 20 times bigger to 2 and 4 dollars. He elaborated on other gambling venues, his horse and soccer betting and illegal bookies and underground gambling. We had somewhat of a good talk (although I just really wanted to sleep) I think his is a tale that most of us can relate too. Thanks to my family I don't gamble much although I do a little more now that I am earning a wage. Discipline is a key character trait and it needs to instilled by the family at a young age. Gambling like sex, alcohol and drugs have two similarities. They can quickly become addictive and have the ability to cause a lot of harm in a short time. Although I have doubts about him being a millionaire before a little, I do believe he was once quite rich (millionaire if you add his house that kind probably). One thing is true though you CAN gamble away millions. So with the advent IR opening, do take care ladies and gentlemen and don't fall prey to addiction

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