Friday, April 24, 2009


I have never bought that theory much. When I was in the States, I have seen men with wild hair waving placards proclaiming the eminent demise of the world. I have also seen men in suits with perfectly jovial faces approach me and "counsel" me about preparing for the end of the world/plight of the world. I normally stop for a brief chat with such chaps, toss a few dollars for their cause and go on my merry way. No.. I am not an ignoramus and I am not arrogant enough to think that humans will be at the top of the food chain or maybe even in existence for eternity on this earth, I just don't think I'd live to see it.

Yet we MUST stop to think if there is something wrong with the way things are going. Lets start with the environment, wherever you are I am sure you are beginning to feel the adverse effects of climate changes. This is an important issue. The response I normally get about this topic is cussing and swearing or plain complaining. My take on this is... we've done wrong, maybe we've treated the earth wrong and its crying, its letting us know we need to make some changes. No not your neighbour you and me, starting with us before we drown ourselves. Have you seen mood swings or changes in yourselves recently? I have. I have been told several times before that I have a gentle personality and am not prone to anger. Recently though I've been having difficulty keeping a lid on my temper. Today was one of the worst days... Is it NCD(national conflict day) or something? I quarreled with friends, family and colleagues (peers, superiors and subordinates) all in one day. I am also finding it more difficult to stay disciplined and easier to succumb to temptation. Greed (I am eating lotsa unhealthy deep fried food recently), sloth (look at my room man!) or otherwise. So lets try to start with you and me if possible, spread a little concern, share a little love and lets heal this earth one step at a time. In the mean time I' ll look for ways to resolve my quarrel with J... its ironic when we quarrel I usually find myself in a pretty bad state.... Hmmm

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