Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sleep Debt

I have solved the riddle!!! OK so I've been working for slightly over a month (ahh I can still savour the paycheck but how long will it last???) and I've realised I've been getting rather lethargic especially during the weekends. I sleep like 10 hours on Saturday night the one night in a week I sleep more than 6 hours. So it got me thinking... how can I still be lethargic after so many hours of sleep? Well in typical NTU and UC Berkeley spirit, I went to do a little research (actually it involved mostly flipping through my limited edition Berkeley psychological text and the related websites) and I found my answer! Its a little thing I almost forgot about. Its called sleep debt. You see a person requires about 7-8 hours of sleep a day to function at optimum levels (depending on which research study you believe) If you don't get that the body functions normally but it credits your missing hours of sleep into its psychological bank so eventually you have to "pay" it back in a few days. So take me for example. I typically sleep between 3-6 hours a day. That means by Sunday I normally accumulate about 10 hours of sleep debt! Ok so in layman's terms, I cannot function very well on Sunday because I owe the "bank" too much money and I end up totally lethargic. There is not health problem although some health problems may surface as a result along the road. So my dear friends who are working just as hard especially friends like Kah Wing who are doing shift work... Sleep when you can just like I do and take good care of your health! (which I should do better).

Ok so after all the psychological mumbo jumbo the conclusion is that today is Friday and I don't need to work tomorrow so...... I really should go home and just SLEEP or practise P BUT in typical NTU fashion... it IS friday after all... So lets breakout the vodka baby! Its party time! :> Tooodles for now honeys I am going to tough for the next few hours in the office! Taihen des! :>>

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