Thursday, December 25, 2008

The week in a nutshell

Jingle Bells Jingle Bells...

Oh wait! Christmas is over! Aww.... Its back to WORK! Back to the highly political workplace for me. Work here is rather easy I think but relationships between people here is so stressful my hair is dropping! :x Case in point: After an argument with the assistant manager about training a new technician, the senior technician (in my department :x) tendered his resignation on the same day. He also happens to be the only person working in the laboratory. The result? He stayed on with instructions from the manager to people including myself not to disturb his work... Hello? Who's going to do his work if he is sick or on leave if no one including myself is allowed to be trained? Its nonsense!

Ok enough about all the B.S in my workplace. How was Christmas for everyone? I hope most people got the gifts they wanted. Don't forget to give presents to people important to you as well though! It is the season of GIVING after all.

Which reminds me I had a lovely time shopping this year. I know the word recession is being spoken everywhere but I have a job AT THIS MOMENT (may quit next month)and Christmas is once a year so its time to show a little appreciation as best as I can with my meagre salary. I didn't actually buy many gifts since my gifts this year were a little more expensive than most years. I think the gifts were welll received though so that warms my heart. I am a person that feels a lot but expresses very little so gifts are a way for me to express myself. Sadly though Christmas day this year was a very lonely affair for me (very unque thankfully) Why? Well I planned to celebrate with family on Christmas eve and with J on Christmas day. J was going overseas on Christmas day though so I celebrated with J on Chirstmas eve instead. It was rather short since I ended work at Tuas only at 3pm. A very expensive celebration in my opinion but unfortunately probably one of the most forgetable. Presents were not exchanged (we already did that a fewy days before) and there was no log cake, champagne or good music. So comes Christmas day and because its last minute and I am pretty broke I didn't ask anyone out so I pretty much spent 22-23 hours of Christmas day all ALONE! Oh man thats sad. Well determined to celebrate in SOME way, I ordered a Christmas pizza. A similar one I shared with J one or two Christmases before. Now I am a person that loves pizza so such a lot for myself should be a joy right? Wrong!It didn't taste all that great to me after all maybe because its the season for sharing so... just eating alone is sad ( I didn't finish the pizza by the way I am not a glutton!)

Apologies to two good friends of mine,Jingfeng and Alez. I know we don't usually celebrate birthdays but I was planning to treat you guys for your birthdays but
was unfortunately bogged down by work.If you guys read this you can contact me for a belated treat but starting next month ah!

Thanks to snowocean and Kenny Poon for their Christmas smses. I sent out Christmas smses to almost everyone I message often not everyone replied but snowocean and Kenny both of whom I seldom sms recently smsed me! Its a small thing but its sweet. Thanks guys esp Kenny you always remember this friend. If you need a hand in this recession do contact me. I don't know how much I can help but I am sure I can do a little something.

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