Wednesday, November 19, 2008

20th November

Ahhh.... Its the 20th of November! Not exactly a big day but a rather significant one I'd say. Well the good things first! Today is...*insert drum roll* ...*insert drumroll again* ok enough enough :> today's PAY DAY!!!!!! (not necessarily the same for next month)

Not a moment too soon either! I am all but broke. The grand total I saved last month was... umm maybe one dollar? lol pathetic eh? This month looks like its going to be expensive as well. I mean the day I get my money for the month I had to pay for cab fare! I better be able to claim it back I need to save a little for Christmas! Oh which reminds me they deducted a 120 plus dollars from my pay!!!! Hey thats a significant amount from my meagre salary ok

Ok so the wonderful monetary gains aside, I have a rant! I am being pulled in by a relatively new colleaguew (still older than me) to be part of an act for the year end dinner. Oh man! yes I can play instruments (which I stupidly admitted D'oh) but I DON'T wanna make a spectacle of myself at such a function! Plus I don't like the other organiser (too bossy) so maybe I'll just find a way to wiggle myself out of it. Somebody please remind me to keep my big mouth shout next time? I cannot keep saying YES! Oh plus I wonder if my manager is PMSing? She's yelled at me TWICE today! Oh and I think just ME? How did I offend her man? I mean come'on she yelled at me from inside her office when I was asking her secretary about something I didn't understand. I mean HALLOOOOO? You didn't tell me the proper hierarchy! My one day orientation wasn't even on site! It was at HQ! Hmm I recommend the next time they put this on their job descripton. " Ideal Employee wanted... Must be able to do work without instruction, withstand scoldings and endure the occassional flying high heeled shoe"

Ok so I was lying about the high heels but you get the picture *LOL* The weekend is coming!!!!!! :>>>>>

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