Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sleep Debt

I have solved the riddle!!! OK so I've been working for slightly over a month (ahh I can still savour the paycheck but how long will it last???) and I've realised I've been getting rather lethargic especially during the weekends. I sleep like 10 hours on Saturday night the one night in a week I sleep more than 6 hours. So it got me thinking... how can I still be lethargic after so many hours of sleep? Well in typical NTU and UC Berkeley spirit, I went to do a little research (actually it involved mostly flipping through my limited edition Berkeley psychological text and the related websites) and I found my answer! Its a little thing I almost forgot about. Its called sleep debt. You see a person requires about 7-8 hours of sleep a day to function at optimum levels (depending on which research study you believe) If you don't get that the body functions normally but it credits your missing hours of sleep into its psychological bank so eventually you have to "pay" it back in a few days. So take me for example. I typically sleep between 3-6 hours a day. That means by Sunday I normally accumulate about 10 hours of sleep debt! Ok so in layman's terms, I cannot function very well on Sunday because I owe the "bank" too much money and I end up totally lethargic. There is not health problem although some health problems may surface as a result along the road. So my dear friends who are working just as hard especially friends like Kah Wing who are doing shift work... Sleep when you can just like I do and take good care of your health! (which I should do better).

Ok so after all the psychological mumbo jumbo the conclusion is that today is Friday and I don't need to work tomorrow so...... I really should go home and just SLEEP or practise P BUT in typical NTU fashion... it IS friday after all... So lets breakout the vodka baby! Its party time! :> Tooodles for now honeys I am going to tough for the next few hours in the office! Taihen des! :>>

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

20th November

Ahhh.... Its the 20th of November! Not exactly a big day but a rather significant one I'd say. Well the good things first! Today is...*insert drum roll* ...*insert drumroll again* ok enough enough :> today's PAY DAY!!!!!! (not necessarily the same for next month)

Not a moment too soon either! I am all but broke. The grand total I saved last month was... umm maybe one dollar? lol pathetic eh? This month looks like its going to be expensive as well. I mean the day I get my money for the month I had to pay for cab fare! I better be able to claim it back I need to save a little for Christmas! Oh which reminds me they deducted a 120 plus dollars from my pay!!!! Hey thats a significant amount from my meagre salary ok

Ok so the wonderful monetary gains aside, I have a rant! I am being pulled in by a relatively new colleaguew (still older than me) to be part of an act for the year end dinner. Oh man! yes I can play instruments (which I stupidly admitted D'oh) but I DON'T wanna make a spectacle of myself at such a function! Plus I don't like the other organiser (too bossy) so maybe I'll just find a way to wiggle myself out of it. Somebody please remind me to keep my big mouth shout next time? I cannot keep saying YES! Oh plus I wonder if my manager is PMSing? She's yelled at me TWICE today! Oh and I think just ME? How did I offend her man? I mean come'on she yelled at me from inside her office when I was asking her secretary about something I didn't understand. I mean HALLOOOOO? You didn't tell me the proper hierarchy! My one day orientation wasn't even on site! It was at HQ! Hmm I recommend the next time they put this on their job descripton. " Ideal Employee wanted... Must be able to do work without instruction, withstand scoldings and endure the occassional flying high heeled shoe"

Ok so I was lying about the high heels but you get the picture *LOL* The weekend is coming!!!!!! :>>>>>

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sex on TV leads to Teen sex?

I just read a rather interesting article on the Today newspaper (17th Nov , 2008)According to the article in question, sexual scenes on television leads to a more relaxed attitude to sex in teenagers. My first thought when I read article was..........Its about time! I think we all believe that sex scenes on television does affect the nubile minds of our young, negatively, we simply choose to look the other way. Like unfired clay, their minds are open to suggestion from everywhere, television, internet, friends and more. Many have argued that the growing relaxed attitude to sex is simply an evolutionary thing. Ok... you've probably not studied evolution much then. After all the crux of evolution lies in the propagation of its specific species. The worry with teenage sex is the surprising lack of knowledge or concern when engaging in these acts. This leads to teenage preganancy and other complications. Teeangers are ill equipped to take care of their young so it inhibits species propagation in fact so... evolutionary thing? I think not.

I do believe parents and educators play an important part in educating the young on sex. Yup its a tough and sensitive subject but hey, if you don't do it they may get the info from porn stars instead so... I guess you just gotta grit your teeth and get to it. Another thing to note is that the media should also regualte what is being shown and the show timings. After all the internet is a lot easier to secure with passwords and internet blockage the television lock on the other hand is simply useless. The unfortunate thing is that it isn't only the teens that are easily influenced. Some adults are too and the scary thing is these adults are sometimes educators and mentors, preachers and teachers! We've all heard of teachers, even professors taking upskirt videos of their young students and even pressuring the academically weaker students for sexual favours. Ahh.... maybe we really need more of these articles and discussions. As the hemline of skirts get shorter, perhaps so too do our morals? Its at these times that I become thankful strict Asian families and their morals. Add a dose of compassion to that and we Asians should do okay (or so I hope)

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Argh the weekend is over!!! Not that it was a fantastic weekend in that the usual excitement was lacking. Nonetheless its over and I have a FULL week ahead! Oh man I understand why PC said I will look forward to public holidays once I start working. You're clairvoyant PC! Or maybe you just have the common sense I lack lol.
In any case my weekend wasn't all that great although I had lotsa time this weekend. I was totally free! Personal relationships got in the way of things though and that put me in a bad mood for most of the weekend. Not wanting to waste my weekend, I slept at 4 plus in the morning on saturday (usually the time I get UP on weekdays) and ending up feeling totally hungover the next day which kinda meant that the day was wasted. Towards the end of today I ended up with diarrhoea (super sudden) and I am still wondering what caused it.... hmmm... what?

So all in all not such a hot weekend (although the weather was super hot) as you can see. Never mind I will find ways to get myself perky again. Although the early mornings are getting on my nerves. I think we should all go to work at 10 am! Anyone agree with me? Well in any case its about time for me to say nighty night. I've got a runny nose (been runny for super long do I have and allergy like Alez?) and a churning stomach. So tata for now and you just keep on coming back to read ok! Good night sleep tight and DON'T let the bedbugs bite (know whose favourtie phrase is this?)