Saturday, October 25, 2008

saturday boredom

So yesterday was the wet t shirt contest showdown in Singapore. I think it's the first EVER in Singapore. I did want to go down there. Now before you mistake me for some perv, there is a valid reason :p. As most of us cosmopolitans know, a wet t shirt contest can be pretty wild so to imagine that in conjunction with rather conservative Singapore is well... tough. I didn't go in the end though some waylaid plans meant that I didn't feel quite in the mood.

You know moods can be pretty dangerous in particular two moods. Anger and Sadness. Now anger at least anger that can lead to violence I have more or less curbed. Sometimes I feel it robs me of a little masculinity but I have a good reason to curb violent anger. Anger that leads to harsh words I have not gotten rid of but I am working on it. Now sadness on the other hand I haven't quite gotten it down. We all allow things to get us down. Some of these things may seem trivial to others or even ourselves (in retrospect duh) but nonetheless it makes us feel low. The problem with these two feelings is that it often spills over to others in our life most often loved ones. Take for example, today I was supposed to go out to where I had not decided but I have three different plans. In the end? I stayed home? Why? Two reasons I guess the first is my mood wasn't so good a spillover from yesterday and the second is I told J I would stay at home today. Was it honor that made me stay at home? The inability after years of practice to go back on my word? Or was I trying to elicit a modicum of feeling or maybe pity from J? Bit stupid actually since J prob had great fun today and yesterday.
In any case friends no worries. As you all know I have a bubbly personality its one (hopefully not the only one) redeeming trait that I have so I have no doubt I will bounce back from my melancholy soon. Let me just keep my fingers crossed that it'll happen before the weekend flies by. OK now to watch a movie!

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