Thursday, February 14, 2008

Flowers flowers everywhere

So Valentine's day's just over and people are recovering from the aftermath of excessive chocolates, the aroma from fresh roses and overt shows of affection and romance from normally passive local guys. Oh and overwhelming commercialization of the whole event! :>
I've noticed an interesting trend in the dating scene in my college in Sinapore recently. I am in the gradutaing class and in the midst of all the preparation and hard work for this busy semester, I've noticed more and more people holding hands both in the lecture theatres and out. Nope its not in anticipation of V day or the aftermath of it. People are generally seeming to be getting in relationships more this time of the year. Perhaps its like one of my guy friends said to me "Now that we're graduating, its best to try and get a girl while the playing field's still quite large" (and in his unspoken words the playing field's still quite young). Perhaps he does have a point since we enigneersl tend to work in male dominated arenas, well unless you choose to take on a job in a different sector which incidentally is not too uncommon. Yet, a word of warning guys, love is not one to be rushed, lust on the the other hand is tough to slow down. So now that we're finishing college and the college jock years are over, maybe its time to think about a serious relationship, stop and pause for a moment, before you say those three special words that could change your lives, and someone elses. :>
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!


^IcYgAL^ said...

Hi Happy Belated Valentine's day.. u are right..relationship should not be rush..and lust should not stand a bigger portion than love..i also tink every relationship should treat it seriously and always tinks tat u will mit a better one the next time..should Cherish the person...Thanks for the video..e song is nice and the MTV also veri touching...:D Joyce

^IcYgAL^ said...

sorry i mean should not always tink that u will mit a better one when u are with e current gf..:)

Rhetorical Wolf said...

Haha icygal I think most people will wonder at some point in time at least but that doesn't mean we don't stay faithful!