The real action to me though took place in the athletics section courtesy of the two great athletes shown below, Irving Saladino from Panama and of course Yelena Isinbayeva from Russia.

Irving Saladino is no doubt the hero of Panama and his face will be splashed across Panaman newspapers as this man created history by securing for Panama its first ever Olympic gold medal. It is true that this young man is the 2007 World Champion but his jump of 8.34m ahead of South Africa's Khotso Mokoena who managed a decent jump of 8.24m securing him the silver medal was no mean feat either.
However, the truly heroine yesterday, was formar Russian Lieutenant, Yelena Isinbayeva of Russia. This outstanding 26 year old Russian and the darling of the Pole Vault was expected to win the gold medal. And why shouldn't she? She is the only pole vaulter to have cleared more the 5.00m and holds the world record going into the competition. And win it she did. Early into the competition, Yelena secured her gold medal in only her second jump, easily clearing the 4.85m hurdle. Now this is where it really gets interesting. Not satisfied with that, she placed the bar at 4.95m to break the Olympic Record. After managing to break that on her third and final attempt she truly got the crowd going. The audience screamed louder at each of her attempts to break the world record at an unprecedented 5.05m. After two unsuccessful attempts, Yelena proceeded to wrap herself under a quilt. After two minutes, she emerged with new resolve in her eyes and before she jumped, I told myseld (as did many others in the crowd I believe) she is DEFINITELY going to clear it. I don't know why but I was just so confident of it. She did. And the 91,000 strong crowd of mixed nationalities burst into raucous applause. This young Russian is truly in a league of her own in the pole vault. Winning at 5.05m well ahead of the next best at a decent 4.80m she truly showed the world what mental and physical toughness can achieve. For her drive and spirit I salute her like so many others. Congratulations Yelena!