Thursday, April 8, 2010

Time and Effort

I spent a significant amount of time and effort. Five straight nights we met but not one was truly happy... I wonder... what does this all mean? Feeling jaded... Is it time to say good bye?

Confused signing off

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I was just reading through this week's star blog's topic and this is a list that I got. I got pretty depressed after reading it. Why? Seems like I am guilty of more than 1 or 2 or maybe 3... Hmmm Well you get the picture. Here's the list

1. Pride or vanity
2. Avarice
3. Lust
4. Wrath or anger
5. Gluttony
6. Envy or jealousy
7. Sloth or laziness

I know 7 definitely applies to me but I wonder if its occassional.. is it considered? Gluttony? Think buffets, not finishing food etc... Hmmm quite a lot to think about.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The "Meeting"

Had a meeting in the wee hours of the morning recently (ok so it was more like 8 am but I was still sleepy folks!) Meetings are of course routine fodder. However the nature of this meeting was rather unusal.

It was basically an "updates" meeting you know one of those meetings where you sit and talk about whaat you've achieved and incredulously wonder what happened to all the objectives? Yup one of those.

Well I had a very surreal feeling this meeting since most of the attendees were of comparable "rank" I felt like a red indian! Allow me to explain myself. The conversation went something like this:

Red Indian 1:" Well Indian Chief, I almost caught that huge fish but because Red Indian 2 didn't sharpen my spear, it got away"

Red Indian 2: " That's true Indian Chief but I couldn't because Red Indian 3 didn't didn't find me a suitable rock"

Red Indian 3:" I would have helped to find the rock Indian Chief but Red Indian 1 said he would give me a fish first so I had energy"

Red Indian 1:" Oh no but my friend it's all because Indian Chief didn't ask me to keep a store of fish!"

Red Indian Chief:" That's the end of our very productive meeting let's have fish for dinner!"


Friday, January 15, 2010

Avatar review - Spoiler Alert

Avatar... officially rocks my world! The creatures in the lush world of Pandora were fashioned in great detail and there's no doubt countless hours were spent bringing them to life. Unfortunately the 3-D effects were unspectacular, albeit that could be because of the very distracting humpty dumpty head in front of me blocking the screen 90% of the time. Incidentally if you were wondering,I wasn't being mean the head WAS that huge seeing as it comprised of two heads lovingly sharing one seat. I wonder if they got a discount? But I digress, other than the wonderful creatures, world and special effects, Avatar rocks because it is a show with a LOT of meaning. (please don't watch avatar online or a cheap pirated disc and bash this movie.. of course it's not good viewed that way. It was NOT meant to be viewed that way see?)

In this world right now, James Cameron's Avatar is like rain during a drought. Not only does he tingle our senses with beautiful scenes he overloads our sensibilities in a cloak of movie excitement. This movie while based in the world of Pandora reflects the problems of a very real "Mother" Earth.

The outright destruction of the home tree, the marginalisation of the Na've people, the outright disbelief in Religion and all things supernatural plus many many more are very real problems we are facing today. We are destroying habitats all around our Mother Earth (Mother in Avatar) with total disregard to the plants, wildlife and indigenous people, belittling these, willing to look the other way to build new resorts and condominiums in a mad dash for cash (raw material in Avatar). In the movie Avatar, "Mother" fought back, sending hordes of wonderful wild creatures after a species so weak it has to wear clothing just to survive, Man, the most cruel animal of them all. Our Mother Earth IS fighting back too. Our climates are changing and snow is falling where it has never fallen before... the signs are here.. we don't need a professor to tell us... we just have to decide if we'd like to become a warrior and spearhead the fight for change or stay quiet and let the vicious arm of technology fueled by greed change the face of this earth... perhaps.. forever...

Sunday, January 10, 2010


My weekend was great! (well MOSTLY great).

J and I went for an intensive gaming session at a games cafe (I shall keep it undisclosed for now, don't want the rate to increase!) We played guitar hero world tour wii sports and raving rabbits for FOUR whole hours and I only had dinner at 10 plus! At risk of being labelled a mountain tortoise it was my very first time playing wii! I am so tempted to buy it now :p Think the weather forecast will have heavy thunder with periods of money falling soon? :>

Ah but piano was a disaster. I actually did practise my piano but because i gamed so much on saturday, I didn't really practise during the weekend. Ah second time in a row being chided. Doesn't feel good :P

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The reversal

When I was a little kid, I couldn't wait to grow up. Wasn't it the same for you? The adults looked so cool and intimidating. I wanted to drive, to date to earn money.... I wanted to help people...

Then... I grew up. Of course it didn't happen overnight but sometimes it feels as if it did. The time sometimes seem to pass so fast. Its only when you grow up that your thoughts differ and you'd give anything to have your youth back because you realize life can be beautiful and.... Life is so short.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Holiday Recap

So that's it... the holiday's done and over! How fast is that? Einstein was right time is relative the holidays just simply flew by and I don't really know how!

Truth be told the holiday was not as great as I hoped but in all honesty I did have a good time a really good one the one major disappointment is that it didn't add a lot of zest or boost the relationship all that much. It helped that's for sure it WAS good for the relationship its just that I wished it was MUCH BETTER :>

Waking up today was kinda weird and really sad. Alone in the house and well I could go out but I really don't feel like it with the mountain of work awaiting me tomorrow now that I am back on Singapore shores I just can't throw thosr far back enough for me to enjoy myself but one thing I am trying to do is CARPE DIEM! CJCians 'd be proud. Its not gonna be easy though!